Give away

Visit here to enter Adrienne's cute give away :)
p.s this post is for the giveaway rules only.

You've got the cringe factor!

Earlier I watched Justin Bieber's first music video 'one time' It's so weird how quick he's changed and grown up. I used to be literally obsessed with him, it's so cringey to think of it now, I thought he was so hot and sexy but he was nothing but cheesy! His music isn't bad, and I certainly wouldn't turn him down, but there's other artists in this world that deserve the same credit. The hate towards him is pretty shallow though, I can't see why they just can't let him be happy, after all who are people to judge when they don't even know him? Hate is a very strong word, so it's a bit over the top with everyone hating him just because they're jealous! 

P.S sorry for the lack of blogs, like every other person I am  swamped with school work!

Happy Birthday to ya!

Had a lovely day today, went out for breakfast with the family, started my first day at work, which was rather tiring! Then had a lovely meal at a restaurant, all in favour of my sister's Birthday. So I would like to wish my sister a lovely 18th birthday! She was so excited, counting down the day's bless her. I guess once you're 18 life is more boring, as you can legally do everything! 

Comic Relief

Watching comic relief makes me feel so selfish, these little children don't even have a proper bed at night, they don't have food on command. We can just go to the cupboard and food is already there's and if it's not we just go to the shop and buy it. It's made me think how priviliged we actually are, but then again we all live different lifestyles. Even if everybody donated to comic relief it's not going to solve third world poverty, it won't make all these sick children suddenly better again. I know every penny helps, but for who? Only a minority of these people in third world countries get that money for mosquito nets, hospitality, and food, but what about the rest of them? are they just left to die?
Im not saying we shouldn't donate, because yes every little helps, but we shouldn't forget the other little children in other contries that are in the same position as this.

Happy St Patrick's day

Happy St Patrick's day to everyone, even if you're not irish.
To be honest, if it wasn't for Day Break and Capital Fm, I wouldn't have even known it was today! But then again, i'm not irish, nor is my family, so there's no real need for me to know about the memorious day.


I haven't been in the blogging world long, but there is one blog in particular that i like reading- secretsofawannabediva her blogs are so cute, and so true too life!

Take a look at her giveaway, 
Its a giveaway where you will win a surprise box of goodies worth £90,
The only rules are:
1. comment with your name, email and blog URL
2. you must be following this blog of course :)
3. must do a post advertising my blog
4. you must be following her second blog.

It's an international giveaway and will close on the 20th March 2011
Thanks :)

I got wheels, I got cutter spray

School trip to Kingswood tommorow,  but i'm having  a bit of trouble packing as you can see haha^
Think I need to be more ruthless, considering i'm taking a 'snuggie' just in case the bedding is horrible. I'm only going for 3 days, so i'm hoping the weather's nice, as it's an outdoors adventure centre.
I'll post some pictures when I get back.

Short and simple.

Aplogies for the quality of this photo I took it on my laptop, which is not as good as my camera. My hair looks so short in this :( I wish I had the guts to have a drastic hairstyle, such as going to bob length, I just can't take the risk of not liking it, but I want something different to everyone else in our school. My hair style is pretty boring really, i've never had it short in my life though, so it would be a major change!

Time for Tea

It's pretty obvious that I have a slight obsession with teapots, I don't even know how it started, but I just love them! They're so cute and dainty, a must have home accessory!

 I have two favourite pieces of jewellery, which I love wearing together, and can go with any outfit!

                                                Necklace- Accesorize 
                                                  Bracelet- Topshop

Both of these items were brought in the summer sale's, even though the necklace was brought two sumer's ago, it still is in good quality! Accesorize is another favourite shop of mine, although a little more pricey than other shops, their quality is great! All the item's I have bought have never had an faults, and are so unique! 

I had my haircut earlier, it's a little shorter than i'd like, but if the split ends are gone so beit! I love the feeling of having your haircut, all silky and soft. I may post a photo later, if my hair still looks decent. 

Anyway, loads of work to do,and have  to get ready for the school swimming gala tomorrow. -.- 
Toodle pip.

First time for everything

Okay, so ive officially entered the blogging world. It's not as hard as expected, seeing as I am in no way creative. I was dubious about blogging, as I don't have an overly interesting life, but my friends Roza and Sajaeda are literally obsessed with blogging, which  was kinda my inspiration to start. So anyway, my name's Katie- not a very adventurous name, my parent's aren't creative either haha! I'm obsessed with anything floral, Cath Kidston is a favourite shop of mine, everything in her shops is gorgeous! I'm in year 10 at school so GCSE's are fast approaching, and there's still so much work to do!I don't really have anything else to write about, and this is most proabably becoming boring now, so ima wrap it up. I'll update soon :)